

>It’s been a while since I’ve posted last.  I’m not giving up yet… I was just taking a break.  I lost myself for a little while.  I’m sure it won’t be the last time.

School ends in a week and I will have to face other real life options.  Part of me is wondering how long I have to write before someone notices my brilliance and offers to publish me.  I’m not hanging all of my dreams on that, however.  I realize that I will need to establish some sort of game plan.  I can’t really say that it’s like when I first graduated college and it took me a few years to figure out what I really wanted to do (school librarianship).  I’m in a much different place now, faced with new questions and new considerations.  Leaving this job has not been a willing choice, but I’d be dishonest to my readers (shout-out to my hubby) if I didn’t admit that I’ve always wondered about moving on.  I’ve tried to consider other pathways with my degree, as I truly love being a librarian and I am good at what I do.  Thinking of segues into other industries to which my degree would lend itself has also been an occasional diversion.  Did I imagine I could make a lifetime career here as a school librarian?  Without a doubt.  Did I truly believe that I would.  No.  That does not in any way shape or form mean that I ever wavered in my dedication to my job.  I just had an inkling that this would not be the end point for me.  Not that it ever couldn’t be…it just didn’t seem to be likely.

I remain heartbroken over the loss of the position, not for me, but for the school and schools in the state and across the nation who are losing good educators and programs.  Still, I look to the future and what possibilities, known and unknown, that lie ahead.